Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Current Seminar: Joseph Principles of Success

Imagine being disowned and cast out by family and close friends. Imagine being under estimated by just about everyone around you - yet you know there is success somewhere but you just can't seem to connect the dots.

Now imagine suddenly understanding who you are and how to use the giftings specific to you in order to get ahead and be recognized by even the very elect.

If you felt something in the pit of your stomach get excited then you probably want to hear this seminar, "The Joseph Principles of Success".

"Thank you - I appreciate your open easy way of passing info in an understanding way."
(D. Munson - business owner)

"This was excellent and the references to Joseph's life cemented these principles."
(S. Royston - lawyer)

"You have helped so much with my family and cash reserves. May God bless you."
(A. Oliver - Grandmother)

"Excellent Seminar."
(B. Felix - Pastor)

Seminars will include such subjects as:
  • Preparing for Financial Famine
  • Positioning Self for Promotion
  • Teachable - the roadmap to hidden success