Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I am a Fan of Basic Cash Flow

This theory hasn’t been all that popular in the past but I am sure more people are getting a little more interested in stepping away from the creative financing and return to basic accounting. I have always been a fan of basic cash flow – money in vrs money out methodology.

No matter what kind of business you own or where you are located around the world everyone can understand the basics. That is after conversion for foreign companies but besides that point the basics are understood; how much money comes in determines how much money you have to spend. How much money needs to go out is less money you have on-hand to spend.

Sounds simple RIGHT! At least that is what they taught me in Accounting 101. However, the real world has tried to stretch these simple basic truths and has added more twist then a twizzler. The end result – an economic system no one clearly understands and trust even less.

I am not so naïve to the business world that I close my eyes to the need for creative ways to keep the doors open; however, I do understand boundaries and the need to retain integrity no matter the circumstances.

Visit www.edalsconsulting .com for more information on contacting Denise D. Johnson

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Economic Systems for Today's Success
