Thursday, April 16, 2009

Will Your Most Valuable Asset be Your Grave?

Each day at least 80% of the World’s population probably thinks of something they could have done but never got around to doing it. An idea that woke them up in the middle of the night but they just tossed it to the side. A passion that haunted them for years but now they can hardly hear it’s faint voice.

How many of you know people with books of ideas or better yet thousands of pieces of paper lying around the house with great ideas. When they explain the ideas their eyes begin to light up, their voice begins to dance, and they seem to suddenly grow younger with each word as it flows poetically. Grace seems to have held back the years, steadied the mind, and strengthened the body.

But reality comes forth as a crashing wave upon a shore. It’s voice overtakes the serene dreamy voice of imagination telling you time has not been held back and all that holds true of your dreams is the ink upon the paper. Tears stream down your face and a question chokes the joy from your heart – Why?

Regardless of how we package the story the reality is most don’t act on their dreams because of FEAR. Fear of Failure! Fear to be ridiculed! Fear of becoming an outcast!

As a Business Consultant my most difficult task is fighting with people as they deal with their inner fears. As much as we fight to admit the truth people, things, and yes even money are not our limitation. Many of us have build up these walls into our minds with these various labels convincing ourselves that is why we can’t produce the dream. I don’t ignore the fact we can’t do things on our own and we will need resources at some point in time. But I can tell you most people never take one step towards their dream rationalizing they need help, they need money, they need whatever. The truth is they need courage to take a step and they need to be delivered from the fear of people.

I would like to ease your mind today just a little. If some of your reason for not stepping out in your dreams is the thought people will talk about you, people will reject you, you will make a mistake, you probably will not have enough money. I just want to ease your mind and let you know all the above will happen; sometimes all at once; sometimes at different times. But I can guarantee that at least two of them will indeed happen.

So then why step out. Your dreams were given to you to help others and the only way for us to benefit is for you to transfer the dream from paper to reality. Don’t die with your dreams still unfulfilled. The cost is to great for those who have been waiting. There is no benefit to anyone if your grave is the most valuable thing your life produces.

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