Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Faint Sound of Success

Reading a number of articles and watching the news it seems as if there is more information and reminders of the issues then direction or resolutions. Can this really be? Can we really be in a time where there are absolutely no answers but more and more problems?

In my opinion!!! NO WAY! In fact I would even go so far as to say that we are in the best of times even now. Think of it this way. Over the years many things have been done behind closed doors or along the dark corridors of the transaction world. True, some things that are illegal today where OK to do yesterday; it all depends on who is running the ship. Then again there are other things that were never legal and wouldn’t be legal or righteous even to a 3 year old child.

But despite all of this I want you to step back and see the big picture. These cancerous issues that were in hiding are suddenly being pushed to the surface. Who knows how much more damage would have occurred had they continued to be hidden. Not to mention, people who were afraid to step out on dreams are now being forced to take action and seeing their lives bigger and more opportunities coming forth. My dreams are bigger because I can’t depend on the way things use to be neither can I stand on my old comfortable foundations. I am forced to pray and seek something bigger and greater for my life. At times I have to shut the noise of the loud circumstances and listen for the faint voice of Opportunity and Success.

I may have to step into something totally brand new but BLESS God suddenly I have come alive in ways I would never have imagined. Indeed change can be a little scary and seem immense especially compared to the past. BUT! Thank God for the BUT! The blessings and rewards are bigger and better and I never would have known had a not heard the faint sound of success calling me forth.