Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Having a Special Day

Standing where you are today there may be many questions of where you are going. The fact is we all stand in front of doors that look questionable; however, if we know where we are going the look of the door will not scare us.

Monday, December 7, 2009

If a Man Doesn’t Work Shall He Eat

Helping others does not mean I do everything for them and thus rob them of the incentive to work. Nothing destroys a man and a culture faster then the loss of the incentive to create and produce.

It may seem a little insensitive to suggest we don’t help out people who are hungry but wait a minute. I think we should help out our fellow man. In fact I think we should be very driven to help out as many people as we can especially when they are between blessings; however, I don’t support poverty or the mindset of poverty. A poverty mindset suggests that one person should go out and work while another sits and reaps the benefits. There is something a person can give even if it is just their labor, their time, their encouragement, etc. You have something of value even if it isn’t cash.

It is a total lie to believe that each person born upon this great earth and created by God doesn’t have some type of gift. You may have to be creative but you have something. It is in this search of your gift that opportunities are found that will enable your current situation to change. If we rob you of this moment then we rob you of having a fulfilled life and a sense of purpose which are some of the greatest joys of all.