Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sitting Still

Sometimes we assume the only way to profit in our business is to keep moving. However, many times this just ends up being nervous activity that does not bare fruit.

Try to begin each day sitting quiet for a few minutes to hear your task for the day. Then visualize how they should look or be executed.

It may seem like you are wasting time but in reality you are using your time more effectively. Try it for a few days just to see what happens.

Denise D Johnson
EDALS Consulting
Business Strategist

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

NewYear Expectations

Expect the sweetest year you have ever had thus far.

Denise D Johnson
EDALS Consulting
Business Strategist

When the Thrill is Gone

It is the New Year and many are pretty excited about the unknown of the road ahead. This excitement is good but very short-lived. Around the end of the month the cheers start fading, less people are wishing you a blessed New Year, and the days at work seem longer. Now what?

Do you just sit back and drive down the road of life with no true destination or is there a purpose for you being on the road? If you are just on the road with no purpose then you are just causing congestion. Extra traffic with no purpose but to slow up those who are going places. So why are you here?

What if the answer is not as cumbersome as finding a needle in a hay stack or trying to solve a calculus problem. Perhaps it’s no even rocket science but just a simple truth you just keep ignoring. What if that truth comes forth within the rhythm of your life and the heartbeat of passions weaved into your character? Would you recognize it?

I wonder if you recognized this sound and began to move to it’s beat would you then find purpose. Would you then begin to flow with direction into your destiny? Perhaps as you began to move, a beat would be created that could merge into a sound that could help another find their rhythm and thus flow. Congestion only happens when we are out of flow.