Monday, March 22, 2010


Have you ever had the feeling in the pit of your stomach you needed to make a decision yet you tried to avoid it. Such as dealing with an employee with low moral. Perhaps moving a person you liked to another position because their work quality was bad. How about having to fire a customer?

You and I both know no amount of coaching makes these decisions easy so I won't try to sugar coat things. Delay of the action is not going to make it any more pleasant for either party. However, also think of the economic impact on your company. How many non-productive hours are being wasted by yourself, the person in question, and other staff. What would be the calculated cost & effect on cash flow? Remember everyone is still on the clock even though less work is getting done.

In may not seem apparent but everyones production has the potential to be impacted just because of the quiet voice of tension in the air. So do everyone a favor and take care of the issue.

In other words... Make the choice of the door you need to walk through and get it done.

Denise D Johnson
EDALS Consulting
Business Strategist