Thursday, April 22, 2010


I am probably not like many of you I don't make a large amount of purchases through the year of products or services. I have my up years and then I have my lean years. However, I do have a BIG MOUTH! When I like a product I tell everyone. When I like the customer service I tell everyone. When the service is bad - Yep! I tell everyone.

Take for example my cell phone carrier. I had just about tried all the major carriers before I landed in the house of Verizon. You guessed it! Before landing in the house of Verizon everyone I knew in the market for a cell phone heard my opinion about the carriers I had to leave. Ironically, one of them is trying now to treat me with good customer service. OOOPS! To late. I am in the house of Verizon and as long as they keep having great service and friendly customer service I will stay with them. Of course, I will tell everyone.

Microsoft just recently surprised me with good customer service on a return. Granted I thought the product was overpriced but that is another issue. However, I must admit this subsided by the time I finished with customer service regarding my return. No problem and they understood my issue. I ended up downloading a free version and then ordering my own copy. You see business people. At times some of your customers just want to know you care and hear their issues.

Apple is another story. I think most of the items I have purchased from them the warranty must expire when I cross the threshold of my home. To extend the warranty you have to purchase Apple Care. It's not cheap!

I wonder how many business executives calculate the cost of a dissatisfied customer versus a satisfied customer. It seems there is a very small population of business owners and/or executives that understand the concept of taking care of the customer and it's long term affect on the bottom line and cash flow.

However, like I said earlier. I don't spend a tremendous amount of money on new products or services today. BUT I DO HAVE A BIG MOUTH!!!