Monday, November 30, 2009

You are more to God then Your Checkbook

This may come as a surprise to some of you but the vision God has for your life is bigger then the checks you are able to write. Don’t get me wrong I believe in tithing and giving to where you are taught the Word of God. However, I honestly don’t think when God formed me in my mother’s womb that was the biggest thing he saw for my life.

For one reason God is not short sighted. He sees things from the position of eternity. My mother use to always say that whatever God was grooming me to do here I would be doing throughout eternity. There would still be a world running and things would still have to get done. We are not just going to be sitting around hanging out in heaven. So what is God’s bigger picture. He is working to bring all things together in both heaven and earth. (Ephesians 1:10).

So your purpose here on earth has got to be bigger then your ability to write a check. If God has gifted you in business then He expects you to use that gift for a bigger purpose. Yes, pay your tithe and give your offering. But also see that Monday through Friday are not just an excuse to keep you busy until Sunday comes around again. There are things God expects you to do through the gifts of your hands that expands His impact far beyond the walls of the traditional church.

One last thing. I guarantee when this reality hits you and you grab a hold of it there will be a joy in you that will overflow. It will feel as though a dim light has gotten brighter and something suddenly came alive in the depth of your soul. You have not fully lived until you have lived out the purpose God has for your life.