Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Having a Special Day

Standing where you are today there may be many questions of where you are going. The fact is we all stand in front of doors that look questionable; however, if we know where we are going the look of the door will not scare us.

Monday, December 7, 2009

If a Man Doesn’t Work Shall He Eat

Helping others does not mean I do everything for them and thus rob them of the incentive to work. Nothing destroys a man and a culture faster then the loss of the incentive to create and produce.

It may seem a little insensitive to suggest we don’t help out people who are hungry but wait a minute. I think we should help out our fellow man. In fact I think we should be very driven to help out as many people as we can especially when they are between blessings; however, I don’t support poverty or the mindset of poverty. A poverty mindset suggests that one person should go out and work while another sits and reaps the benefits. There is something a person can give even if it is just their labor, their time, their encouragement, etc. You have something of value even if it isn’t cash.

It is a total lie to believe that each person born upon this great earth and created by God doesn’t have some type of gift. You may have to be creative but you have something. It is in this search of your gift that opportunities are found that will enable your current situation to change. If we rob you of this moment then we rob you of having a fulfilled life and a sense of purpose which are some of the greatest joys of all.

Monday, November 30, 2009

You are more to God then Your Checkbook

This may come as a surprise to some of you but the vision God has for your life is bigger then the checks you are able to write. Don’t get me wrong I believe in tithing and giving to where you are taught the Word of God. However, I honestly don’t think when God formed me in my mother’s womb that was the biggest thing he saw for my life.

For one reason God is not short sighted. He sees things from the position of eternity. My mother use to always say that whatever God was grooming me to do here I would be doing throughout eternity. There would still be a world running and things would still have to get done. We are not just going to be sitting around hanging out in heaven. So what is God’s bigger picture. He is working to bring all things together in both heaven and earth. (Ephesians 1:10).

So your purpose here on earth has got to be bigger then your ability to write a check. If God has gifted you in business then He expects you to use that gift for a bigger purpose. Yes, pay your tithe and give your offering. But also see that Monday through Friday are not just an excuse to keep you busy until Sunday comes around again. There are things God expects you to do through the gifts of your hands that expands His impact far beyond the walls of the traditional church.

One last thing. I guarantee when this reality hits you and you grab a hold of it there will be a joy in you that will overflow. It will feel as though a dim light has gotten brighter and something suddenly came alive in the depth of your soul. You have not fully lived until you have lived out the purpose God has for your life.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Your Business is Not Your Island

Not sure when this philosophy started but after so many bank failures, major corporations dissolving, and tons of small and medium size business doors closing; the reality we are connected should have birthed a light bulb over our heads. “Hey! Perhaps I need to think broader then the walls of my firm or my stockholders portfolio.”

The reality is when a decision is made in one organization it has an impact on a number of people, groups, and cities. Strangely the budget of a major car dealership in the mid-west has an impact on a small business in California where they don’t even use their product. Imagine that! What about vice versa? The closing of a number of small businesses located in Texas has an impact on a major International company and its budget.

Today, our companies are not our own small islands in which we can afford to make consistent bad management decisions. We must begin to think on a broader level and ask ourselves constantly how my company will affect the global market. Then ask ourselves how will the global market affect my business?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

If Cash is King…The Cash Flow Statement is His Wife

In a good marriage the husband and wife have good communication; understand one another’s character, and a good understanding of who rules the house.

If you are going to have a successful business today you had better make sure the marriage between your cash and the cash flow statement has not filed for divorce. In other words, you need to understand how money is flowing through your organization and the impact on operations. Basically, how they are talking to one another. If not, lack of good communication can cause the house to crumple and your only customers are lawyers.

It doesn’t matter the size of your organization make sure you know the exact profit for your organization and if it has already been allocated. Owners should know the true character of transactions – is money actually flowing into the business or is it just a paper entry. (Ex. Change in Accounts Receivable.) This will give you a clear path to plan for the future and make necessary adjustments.

Lastly, it is not the balance in your checkbook but the balance at the bottom of the cash flow statement that truly rules the house.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Eating to the Edge of My Bread

There is an ancient farming philosophy which states you do not harvest your field to the very edge but leave the edges for the poor and needy so they may be fed. Farmers would instruct their staff to harvest only the main sections of the fields and leave the edges alone. The harvest of the farmer would be enough to meet their needs, provide revenue from what was sold, and provide additional seed to sow for the next season. After the land owner would finish harvesting, the poor would come along and harvest the edges of the field to feed their households and provide for their needs.

In my opinion, I believe this could be a secret for having great success in the midst of troubles and prospering when everyone else is struggling especially for business owners. Yes, a business strategy that could actually move you from being in the red to being in the black.

Think about this. How are most of us trained to run our businesses today? How have we seen most corporations manage their cash flow, today? Now, what has been the end result?

Today more organizations run their businesses with a ‘me mentality’. Most believe, “I take care of me and the rest of the population can just try to make it the best way they can.” We can see from our current worldwide situation that this methodology does not work.

On the contrary, we are not supposed to set up systems in which people can sit around and just be taken care of as others produce. This system has also proven it does not work by the example of Africa. Over the years, billions of charity dollars have been poured into this nation yet it still remains one of the poorest nations in the world.

Operation of the Strategy

To implement this strategy you have to think different then you have in the past about what it means to help another. Helping others does not mean I do everything for them and thus rob them of the incentive to work. Nothing destroys a man and a culture faster then the loss of the incentive to create and produce.

To institute this strategy in a business you must first outline it in your business plan and see it as a policy for the entire organization. Set up budget line items specifically focused on developing the widows, poor, and orphans. What service or skill set can this group bring to your organization that will take care of small task (which represent the edges of the field) and how much money can be allocated to pay for these services?

Note, in the example of the farmer he has already harvested the main harvest for his livelihood and operational budget. The edges of the field have not been factored into the equation for regular operational needs. Consequently, the overall organization will not suffer if the task is not completed. In our example, if the harvest is not picked by the widows, poor, or orphans then it will simply dry up and return to the ground to nourish the soil.

A few things to notice in the illustration of the farmer: First, he has proper financial projections to know how much grain is needed for the current season (how much for personal needs, how much to sell, how much to reinvest for a future harvest). Secondly, the vision is properly planned and communicated to their entire staff for proper execution. Thirdly, he understands that as he prospers he has an obligation to take care of those who are less fortunate and give them opportunities. Fourth, he has control over where his wealth is allocated and he can define how others can be helped without putting a strain on his companies operations.

Perhaps you may feel as a business owner trying to survive that you can’t afford to give much less add one more line item into your budget to care for others. Honestly, you can’t afford not to give and take care of others who are less fortunate. Let me put it this way! You may not pay at the moment and you may not pay directly but at some point in time you are going to have to pay and it will cost you much more. Additionally, someone else will be making the decision on how you will give and how much. It’s your choice. You can control the bottom line of your company today or you can hand it over to someone else for them to control it tomorrow. Be mindful that hand may be the government.

For more information on this strategy or help implementing it into your organization please contact EDALS Consulting.

How Over-Regulating Goldman Sachs Will Lead to Higher Oil and Commodity Prices

How Over-Regulating Goldman Sachs Will Lead to Higher Oil and Commodity Prices

Posted using ShareThis

Monday, August 3, 2009

All Eggs in One Basket – Are You Kidding Me!!!

A recent article on banking was released regarding a strategy Commercial banks may adopt to determine who will make a good credit card customer. No longer will your credit score determine who gets the prize credit card but now let’s see how much money you have in our wonderful bank vaults.

Are you kidding ME!!! Let me see if I can grasp this thought process through my non bank owner mind. You want me to take all my hard earned money, place it into your bank thus giving you access to do more of your wise and profitable projects like sub-prime lending. In return you are going to give me a credit card with outrageous interest fees in exchange for the use. Consequently, continue a lifestyle of living on credit and beyond my means. WOW!

Now I will admit I am not a rocket scientist nor am I banker but does this sound like wise money management to anyone except the guy in the big office making all the money. I must admit when I shift and jump over to the other side of the desk it sounds like a sound idea. But then again I am not at all concerned about the customer, their lifestyle, their future, nor their assets being safe. I am merely focused on my bottom line and how I can generate income for my bank and shareholders. No, I don’t want to give people who don’t make payments on time more credit. Nor do I want to give little Sally who has very little cash savings any credit. I certainly don’t care about Mr. Small Business Owner who used the credit card to keep the company flowing between invoice payments. Who cares that Mr. Small Business could not possible keep a large balance in his account because he uses the cash to actually run the business – what a concept!

We are entering into a new era and how we function, do business, and run our financial affairs is going to have to change. Each family and business owner is going to have to look at their individual situations and make tailored plans that will meet the needs of short and long term goals.

Does it make sense to put all your eggs in one basket or better yet all your resources into one bank. In my opinion diversification has always been the best strategy for hedging against bad times and the poor business decisions of others. Today people are going to have to search for ways to get outside the box and develop strategies to meet their needs and objectives. If this makes you nervous or overwhelmed then stop trying to do it yourself. Look to find people who can help solve your problem. In other words, look to build a team with people who are strong in areas where you are weak. If you build houses and you are the best builder in the world then focus on building. But you had better pray and find someone who is as good at business strategy as you are at building houses or your future at building could be shorter then you plan.

Yes, the news may make you sick to your stomach or even temp you to yell at the announcer. In the end big bank presidents and big corporate owners can make decisions that could have a negative affect on your business and lifestyle. However, there is always a way of escape which means you can always find a way legally to get the job done. It will probably take some uneasy adjustments, perhaps a budget, and good partnerships. But you can do it!

This is not the first shift the American economy has gone through since the first day the boat landed. The World just keeps making the necessary adjustments and the people who move make the money the people who wait serve those who moved.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Faint Sound of Success

Reading a number of articles and watching the news it seems as if there is more information and reminders of the issues then direction or resolutions. Can this really be? Can we really be in a time where there are absolutely no answers but more and more problems?

In my opinion!!! NO WAY! In fact I would even go so far as to say that we are in the best of times even now. Think of it this way. Over the years many things have been done behind closed doors or along the dark corridors of the transaction world. True, some things that are illegal today where OK to do yesterday; it all depends on who is running the ship. Then again there are other things that were never legal and wouldn’t be legal or righteous even to a 3 year old child.

But despite all of this I want you to step back and see the big picture. These cancerous issues that were in hiding are suddenly being pushed to the surface. Who knows how much more damage would have occurred had they continued to be hidden. Not to mention, people who were afraid to step out on dreams are now being forced to take action and seeing their lives bigger and more opportunities coming forth. My dreams are bigger because I can’t depend on the way things use to be neither can I stand on my old comfortable foundations. I am forced to pray and seek something bigger and greater for my life. At times I have to shut the noise of the loud circumstances and listen for the faint voice of Opportunity and Success.

I may have to step into something totally brand new but BLESS God suddenly I have come alive in ways I would never have imagined. Indeed change can be a little scary and seem immense especially compared to the past. BUT! Thank God for the BUT! The blessings and rewards are bigger and better and I never would have known had a not heard the faint sound of success calling me forth.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Will Your Most Valuable Asset be Your Grave?

Each day at least 80% of the World’s population probably thinks of something they could have done but never got around to doing it. An idea that woke them up in the middle of the night but they just tossed it to the side. A passion that haunted them for years but now they can hardly hear it’s faint voice.

How many of you know people with books of ideas or better yet thousands of pieces of paper lying around the house with great ideas. When they explain the ideas their eyes begin to light up, their voice begins to dance, and they seem to suddenly grow younger with each word as it flows poetically. Grace seems to have held back the years, steadied the mind, and strengthened the body.

But reality comes forth as a crashing wave upon a shore. It’s voice overtakes the serene dreamy voice of imagination telling you time has not been held back and all that holds true of your dreams is the ink upon the paper. Tears stream down your face and a question chokes the joy from your heart – Why?

Regardless of how we package the story the reality is most don’t act on their dreams because of FEAR. Fear of Failure! Fear to be ridiculed! Fear of becoming an outcast!

As a Business Consultant my most difficult task is fighting with people as they deal with their inner fears. As much as we fight to admit the truth people, things, and yes even money are not our limitation. Many of us have build up these walls into our minds with these various labels convincing ourselves that is why we can’t produce the dream. I don’t ignore the fact we can’t do things on our own and we will need resources at some point in time. But I can tell you most people never take one step towards their dream rationalizing they need help, they need money, they need whatever. The truth is they need courage to take a step and they need to be delivered from the fear of people.

I would like to ease your mind today just a little. If some of your reason for not stepping out in your dreams is the thought people will talk about you, people will reject you, you will make a mistake, you probably will not have enough money. I just want to ease your mind and let you know all the above will happen; sometimes all at once; sometimes at different times. But I can guarantee that at least two of them will indeed happen.

So then why step out. Your dreams were given to you to help others and the only way for us to benefit is for you to transfer the dream from paper to reality. Don’t die with your dreams still unfulfilled. The cost is to great for those who have been waiting. There is no benefit to anyone if your grave is the most valuable thing your life produces.

© 2009 EDALS Consulting. All Rights Reserved. Please visit for more information or to contact EDALS Consulting.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Repackaging Your Gifts


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I am a Fan of Basic Cash Flow

This theory hasn’t been all that popular in the past but I am sure more people are getting a little more interested in stepping away from the creative financing and return to basic accounting. I have always been a fan of basic cash flow – money in vrs money out methodology.

No matter what kind of business you own or where you are located around the world everyone can understand the basics. That is after conversion for foreign companies but besides that point the basics are understood; how much money comes in determines how much money you have to spend. How much money needs to go out is less money you have on-hand to spend.

Sounds simple RIGHT! At least that is what they taught me in Accounting 101. However, the real world has tried to stretch these simple basic truths and has added more twist then a twizzler. The end result – an economic system no one clearly understands and trust even less.

I am not so naïve to the business world that I close my eyes to the need for creative ways to keep the doors open; however, I do understand boundaries and the need to retain integrity no matter the circumstances.

Visit www.edalsconsulting .com for more information on contacting Denise D. Johnson

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Economic Systems for Today's Success
