Thursday, December 18, 2008

Video of Christmas Message


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas Blessing

Hello All,

We at EDALS Consulting wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. Just wanted to send you some information that we pray will be a blessing.
Feel free to pass it on to others. Be sure to give us a call or send an email with feedback.
Look Below!!

Take care and God Bless,
Denise D. Johnson

Please click on the GoldMail link below to play the message I made for you, or copy and paste it into your browser.

Your speakers must be

Monday, October 13, 2008

Big Dreams

Don't EVER let your dreams get smaller then Jehovah's expectations for you.

Get a BIG picture of your DREAM and believe for it to come forth.

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Prisoner of Hope

A copy of the Message on Planning (becoming a Prisoner of Hope).

Please enjoy


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pads of Life

Initially, at a glance the pads in this photo look as if they are standing alone. However, a closer look reveals they are indeed connected. Our lives are much the same way. The people we meet. The events in our life all seem like things that just happen and have no relevance to one another. What if we dared to take a closer look.

I bet we would find out that the major events in our lives and the people we have met along the way all connect in some shape are form to bring us to where we are today.
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Whose fault is it?

The big question for many Americans today is who should get the finger pointed. In my opinion most of us because there were a lot of people who borrowed money they could not afford to repay.

Which brings us back to budgeting. You can't spend more then you take in no matter who you are. This is not Rocket Science.

You most definitely will have issues if you still do not plan properly. Over confidence and no planning is the result of serious financial issues.

If you need help give us a call or someone with the skill set to help you out.

Denise D. Johnson
EDALS Consulting

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Prison Dreams

Have you ever had a dream that just would not leave you alone. In fact, the more you tried to ignore it the tighter it seemed to get around your mind. We at EC (EDALS Consulting) call these Prison Dreams.

Why Prison Dreams...Great Question! I know intially your mind went negative because of the term Prison. However, in the Webster 1828 addition it defines Prison as 'something that confines in any manner'. Now imagine being confined by any matter to your dreams and they would not let you go until you acted upon them. This is not such a bad thing because it means that even excuses could not stop you from moving forward.

Nonetheless, these kinds of dreams can be a little uncomfortable if you don't know how to act on them or get into some type of format others could help bring it into existence. Let's see if we can help you get a good start. Take a piece of paper and write out your dream, sketch it out, do whatever you must to get it on paper. Don't try to make it pretty because that is not the objective at this moment. You can hire people to make it look and sound pretty. The primary objective is to get it out of your mind into something more tangible. You will be amazed just how much better you feel doing this step. Then begin jotting down ideas of the types of people you will need to pull it off successfully and the funding.

Spend a little time each day working on this project until you begin to see things happen. If you don't have all the resources initially just begin to set a little money aside in your budget. No! Stop that negative thinking. You can do it! It may take a little time or it may happen quickly you really don't know until you begin do you.

Let those dreams hold you in bondage tightly until they come breaking out in every area of your life and inspire others to grab ahold and help bring it to pass. Remember passion is contagious.

For more information on Business Consulting or to refer a friend contact Denise D. Johnson at We are never to busy for your referrals.

2008 © EDALS Consulting. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be used without the written permission of EDALS Consulting.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Schools Back - Now What?

Even if you don't have school age children I guarantee this season is affecting your life one way or another. In some ways it may be happening without your knowledge. Think about the last few stores you just happened to venture in to pick up a few last minute items. How much extra advertising did you see? What types of items were being advertised?

What does this have to do with your budget. Great question! Some of those items you have been putting off purchasing for the big shopping day may be better deals today. Flip through some of those Sunday advertising we tend to toss to find some great deals. Scan the internet to see if some of your favorite stores are having a real SALE. BUT!!!! BUT!!! Stay Focused!

Make a list of the things you need that fit into your current budget and only purchase those items. No matter how good of a deal it seems. Stay on Your budget and the fullness of your life with Peace shall come.

For more information of Business Consulting or to refer a friend contact Denise D. Johnson at We are never to busy for your referrals.

2008 © EDALS Consulting. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be used without the written permission of EDALS Consulting.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Walk the Narrow Way

Walking the narrow way through to your goal may seem difficult and challenging at times. Nonetheless, if you stay focused and don't give up you will make it up the path and accomplish your task.

This picture was taken during a walk through the Smokey Mountains in TN. By the time I got to this point following the trail me and my hiking buddies were tired. Just before this path appeared the trail had gotten really narrow and covered with all kinds of weeds, rocks, and mud which made it very difficult to see the places to step. But we just kept walking believing we were going to make it and our footsteps would not slip. Then low and behold our reward was a clearer path.

My point..Just keep walking down the path you have set before you no matter how tough it seems to get. Yes, even in the area of finances. Set a plan and stick with it no matter how difficult or how often you think you heard a little voice tell you it was OK to make that last little purchase.

If you need more information on Money Management or Business Consulting feel free to contact Denise D. Johnson of EDALS Consulting at .

2008 © EDALS Consulting. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be used without the written permission of EDALS Consulting.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Budget Tip - Customize Budget

Have you ever sat down to attempt to work out a budget only to get frustrated because it felt as though you were suddenly locked in a cell and someone threw away the key?

For most people setting up a budget feels exactly like this or worse. Which is the reason why a majority of people do not stick to a budget for any length of time.

Given you do have to have a degree of discipline but if it feels like jail what is the use of going through the process of setting it up if you are not going to stick to it in the long run. The true purpose of a budget is to get you to live in a comfortable place within your means with peace of mind.

Do you know how many people spend many sleepless nights worrying about finances? Neither do I but I can tell you as a Business Consultant it has become one of the top worries on most peoples list and growing each day. However, there are solutions that will work and not leave you feeling as if you and your bank account have been incarcerated.


Instead of making out one flat budget for the entire year split it up into quarters. (3 months) We go through different seasons and for most households the spending changes according to the season. You would be creating an unrealistic budget if you don't account for these things in your budget and end up giving up the process all together. Therefore, account for things like birthdays, holidays, family vacations, family outings such as the movies. It is the small things and/or unexpected things that really throw off a budget.

Note: You do have to have a level of discipline no matter what the case. However, there is a difference between discipline and bondage.

For more information on budgeting tips and personal consulting contact Denise Johnson of EDALS Consulting at

2008 © EDALS Consulting. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be used without the written permission of EDALS Consulting.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Current Seminar: Joseph Principles of Success

Imagine being disowned and cast out by family and close friends. Imagine being under estimated by just about everyone around you - yet you know there is success somewhere but you just can't seem to connect the dots.

Now imagine suddenly understanding who you are and how to use the giftings specific to you in order to get ahead and be recognized by even the very elect.

If you felt something in the pit of your stomach get excited then you probably want to hear this seminar, "The Joseph Principles of Success".

"Thank you - I appreciate your open easy way of passing info in an understanding way."
(D. Munson - business owner)

"This was excellent and the references to Joseph's life cemented these principles."
(S. Royston - lawyer)

"You have helped so much with my family and cash reserves. May God bless you."
(A. Oliver - Grandmother)

"Excellent Seminar."
(B. Felix - Pastor)

Seminars will include such subjects as:
  • Preparing for Financial Famine
  • Positioning Self for Promotion
  • Teachable - the roadmap to hidden success