Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Schools Back - Now What?

Even if you don't have school age children I guarantee this season is affecting your life one way or another. In some ways it may be happening without your knowledge. Think about the last few stores you just happened to venture in to pick up a few last minute items. How much extra advertising did you see? What types of items were being advertised?

What does this have to do with your budget. Great question! Some of those items you have been putting off purchasing for the big shopping day may be better deals today. Flip through some of those Sunday advertising we tend to toss to find some great deals. Scan the internet to see if some of your favorite stores are having a real SALE. BUT!!!! BUT!!! Stay Focused!

Make a list of the things you need that fit into your current budget and only purchase those items. No matter how good of a deal it seems. Stay on Your budget and the fullness of your life with Peace shall come.

For more information of Business Consulting or to refer a friend contact Denise D. Johnson at denise@edalsconsulting.com. We are never to busy for your referrals.

2008 © EDALS Consulting. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be used without the written permission of EDALS Consulting.