Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Prison Dreams

Have you ever had a dream that just would not leave you alone. In fact, the more you tried to ignore it the tighter it seemed to get around your mind. We at EC (EDALS Consulting) call these Prison Dreams.

Why Prison Dreams...Great Question! I know intially your mind went negative because of the term Prison. However, in the Webster 1828 addition it defines Prison as 'something that confines in any manner'. Now imagine being confined by any matter to your dreams and they would not let you go until you acted upon them. This is not such a bad thing because it means that even excuses could not stop you from moving forward.

Nonetheless, these kinds of dreams can be a little uncomfortable if you don't know how to act on them or get into some type of format others could help bring it into existence. Let's see if we can help you get a good start. Take a piece of paper and write out your dream, sketch it out, do whatever you must to get it on paper. Don't try to make it pretty because that is not the objective at this moment. You can hire people to make it look and sound pretty. The primary objective is to get it out of your mind into something more tangible. You will be amazed just how much better you feel doing this step. Then begin jotting down ideas of the types of people you will need to pull it off successfully and the funding.

Spend a little time each day working on this project until you begin to see things happen. If you don't have all the resources initially just begin to set a little money aside in your budget. No! Stop that negative thinking. You can do it! It may take a little time or it may happen quickly you really don't know until you begin do you.

Let those dreams hold you in bondage tightly until they come breaking out in every area of your life and inspire others to grab ahold and help bring it to pass. Remember passion is contagious.

For more information on Business Consulting or to refer a friend contact Denise D. Johnson at denise@edalsconsulting.com. We are never to busy for your referrals.

2008 © EDALS Consulting. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be used without the written permission of EDALS Consulting.